Amazing Adventures at Delta Camp

Wow!  What a great way to start our Youth Odyssey’s summer season.

Despite Tropical Storm Bill, we had a great time.  On Wednesday night, we got hit by a lot of rain with thunder and lightning but the campers were troopers nonetheless.

We started the week with getting to know each other at the ropes course and conqueringDSCF1877fears. The group then went kayaking on beautiful Lake Corpus Christi where the campers practiced teamwork while leaning to steer and navigate their boats in teams of two. One of the games we play was kayak basketball.  This gets the campers to focus on a goal while paddling. Two girls had the ball and were getting close to another boat to make point.  When they threw the ball, they leaned a little too far and slipped out of their boat into the water!  They were a little surprised to be in the water, but laughed the whole time.

Youth Odyssey-Scuba pics 020On Tuesday, we had planned on going to the beach, but with Tropical Storm Bill, we chose to stay close to base-camp.  The team hiked around the Delta property, went bird watching, and played card games. One of their favorite games at camp was a card game called “Werewolves of Miller’s Hollow”.  Each camper got a card that said who they were.  The werewolves had to get rid of the humans and the humans had to figure out who the werewolves were. Whenever there was free time, the campers asked to play this game. It was always funny to listen to their narratives as to why they weren’t werewolves.

The highlight for most was learning CPR, a skill many of the youth said they will treasure; and their discover SCUBA course.  The campers had a great time learning how to breathe underwater, practicing SCUBA skills, and playing on the underwater scooter!

On Graduation day, the parents returned to find their youth, equipped with big smiles and holding their certificates of completion for CPR, Discover SCUBA, and a personalized award for each camper.

For their awards, staff highlighted what made each camper special during the course of the week.   Here’s what they came up with for the individual awards: Delta Preserve 4b

Logan – “Man of Mystery”
Chris – “Jack-of-all-Trades”
Ashlyn – “Future Facilitator”
Angie – “Avid Adventurer”
Jasmine – “Kayak Queen”
Indigo – “Ray of Sunshine”
Kaylie – “Sweetheart”
Elisia – “Scuba Stevie”

Leah – “Scrub Bug”

It was a GREAT week with great campers.  Our staff were very proud of how the campers did over the course of the week and we hope to see them all on another Youth Odyssey camp in the future!  Click HERE to see more pictures.

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